
The FXTM Mountain Expedition – Live Trading C


Triumph in FXTM’s latest live trading contest with traders from all around the world! The 10 traders who climb their way to the top – by having the highest trading profit percentage – walk away with REAL CASH prizes from a $100000 Prize Pool.

Contest Details
Registration dates: 26.09.2016 – 04.11.2016
Contest Period: 17.10.2016 – 04.11.2016
Prizes: $100,000 prize pool

Compete with Exclusive New Features.
• Special bonuses* have been designed to boost profit percentage and help traders get closer to the peak (please see table below).
• Share the contest’s banner on Facebook to increase profit %
• Option to re-enter the expedition as many times as the contestant likes.
• Participants can track theirs and their closest competitors’ progress in an exclusive panel in MyFXTM

Prize Pool: $100,000:

1st Place $50,000
2nd Place $20,000
3rd Place $10,000
4th Place $7,000
5th Place $5,000
6th Place $3,000
7th Place $2,000
8th Place $1,500
9th Place $1,000
10th Place $500

FXTM’s Updated Margin Requirements for ECN Se

After very popular demand from its clients, [b]FXTM is proud to present an exclusive new trading condition: 1:1000 leverage offered across all trading accounts on the ECN Server.[/b] Effective Thursday, September 1, 2016, every trader – regardless of the size of initial deposit – will be able to reap the benefits of the almighty ECN Server.

[b]Some of the major benefits that all clients can now enjoy include: [/b]

- Significantly-reduced Trading Costs
- No Re-Quotes
- Full Transparency
- No Dealing Desk Technology (NDD)
- Ultra-Fast Execution Speeds
- Allowed Scalping

As a dedicated client-centric broker, FXTM continuously aims to enhance client trading experience, and this latest modification is a big and important step towards improving leverage offered across all servers*.

As a result, and in order to reflect recent market volatility as accurately as possible, some Margin Requirements have been adjusted for FX Majors, FX Minors and Exotics on all servers except Pro and Cent. The new requirements will be applied in case of any activity on the trading account (Opened, Closed or Modified Positions) and aims to help protect client equity.

Dinner with Forextime

Untuk yang domisili jakarta monggo silahkan merapat pat pat pat

Hadiri Dinner with Forextime

HOTEL Novotel Mangga Dua Square,
Sabtu, 30 juli 2016, Jam 19.00 wib
Bengawan Solo Ballroom, lantai 5
Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya No. 1, Mangga Dua Square, Jakarta Utara

Noted : Konfirmasi Kehadiran paling Lambat konfirmasi langsung ke saya ( FB : )


MT5 FXTM versi terbaru dengan Opsi Hedging!

MT5 versi terbaru dengan Opsi Hedging!

Berdasarkan permintaan yang tinggi dari trader dan investor di seluruh dunia, platform trading canggih MT5 versi terbaru dari MetaQuotes kini menyediakan opsi hedging. Mulai hari ini, klien FXTM dapat mengakses platform MT5 dengan opsi hedging terbaru. Peningkatan terbaru platform ini memberi pengguna fleksibilitas dan kendali lebih tinggi atas trade mereka sehingga pengalaman trading pun menjadi semakin optimal!

Tingkatkan trading Anda dengan fitur terbaru MT5:

- Tersedia Opsi Hedging: Buka beberapa order Beli/Jual secara simultan dan dapatkan proteksi yang lebih baik bahkan di pasar volatil sekali pun.
- Tipe Order Pending Tambahan: Dua tipe order baru untuk trading yang lebih hebat.
- Kedalaman Pasar: Lihat seluruh harga Beli/Jual yang tersedia, di kedalaman dan waktu pasar real time.
- Tab trading baru untuk Trading Satu Klik: Dapatkan akses cepat ke seluruh instrumen trading dan tempatkan trade dengan satu klik saja.
- Penguji Strategi Canggih: Uji dan optimalkan efisiensi EA Anda sebelum menggunakannya secara live.
Dan masih banyak lagi.

Tampilan MT5 yang berkelas dan antarmuka yang lebih baik memberi gaya trading yang inovatif untuk para trader ritel. Seluruh titik masuk dan keluar disorot langsung di grafik untuk menciptakan transparansi dan presisi trading yang lebih tinggi.

Dilengkapi dengan akses lebih mendalam ke analisis teknikal dan fundamental, pengguna bisa menerima notifikasi live berita pasar penting begitu tersedia, ditampilkan langsung di grafik trader. Platform versi ini juga menyajikan serangkaian perangkat dan indikator baru yang begitu lengkap.


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