Change Affiliate to FXBC ( Forex Basecamp ) Tuntas_ADJB Mar 18, 2019 17:44 PMMohon bantuannya untuk Validasi Akun saya. Terimakasih12 Komentar 1623 VisitorBagikanFacebookTwitterGoogle+ Trader_Kota_Reog Colek RewardSudah kirim email ke octafx mas untuk perpindahan IB saya cek manual akun validasi nya gagal tidak masuk under fxbc terima kasih Mar 18, 2019 19:10 PM Idror Colek RewardSy sudah ada jawaban dari broker justforex kok gak bisa di validasi kenapa bos. Ini jawaban broker Dear Mahfud Mahfud, Thank you for contacting us. All your trading accounts are already under this IB 52376 . Please write us again if there is anything else we can assist you with. Best wishes, JustForex team Mar 19, 2019 20:35 PM Trader_Kota_Reog Colek RewardNo akun berapa mas Mar 19, 2019 21:54 PM Idror Colek RewardNo akun saya juga bos. 266677.justforex Mar 19, 2019 22:06 PM Idror Colek Reward266677.justforex mas Mar 19, 2019 22:07 PM Idror Colek Reward266677.justforex mas Mar 19, 2019 22:08 PM Tuntas_ADJB Colek Reward@Trader_Kota_Reog . Thanks info Mas Mar 19, 2019 22:21 PM Trader_Kota_Reog Colek Reward@Idror Done mas @Tuntas_ADJB sama sama mas,jika ada pertanyaa bisa menghub saya via WA untuk fast respon terima kasih Mar 20, 2019 00:51 AM Idror Colek RewardTolong akun ini sekalian mas bos. 52376 justforex Mar 20, 2019 04:28 AM Trader_Kota_Reog Colek Rewardno akun 52376 ,tidak masuk under fxbc terima kasih Mar 20, 2019 09:17 AM Idror Colek Rewardsudah masuk bos, tolong di cek lagi karena jawaban dari broker begini Dear Sir, I have checked the information in our system and it turns out that your account is already placed under the IB 52376. Let me know if there is anything else I can do for you. Will be happy to help! Warmest regards, Evgenia Affiliate manager Mar 20, 2019 16:56 PM Idror Colek Rewardsudah masuk bos, tolong di cek lagi karena jawaban dari broker begini Dear Sir, I have checked the information in our system and it turns out that your account is already placed under the IB 52376. Let me know if there is anything else I can do for you. Will be happy to help! Warmest regards, Evgenia Affiliate manager Mar 20, 2019 16:56 PM Idror Colek RewardEh keliru bos akun 278559 Mar 20, 2019 16:59 PM Trader_Kota_Reog Colek Rewarddone mas Mar 20, 2019 17:47 PMDetail visitor : 19 Anggota · 1604 Tamu
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saya cek manual akun validasi nya gagal tidak masuk under fxbc
terima kasih
Dear Mahfud Mahfud,
Thank you for contacting us.
All your trading accounts are already under this IB 52376 .
Please write us again if there is anything else we can assist you with.
Best wishes,
JustForex team
@Tuntas_ADJB sama sama mas,jika ada pertanyaa bisa menghub saya via WA untuk fast respon
terima kasih
terima kasih
Dear Sir,
I have checked the information in our system and it turns out that your account is already placed under the IB 52376.
Let me know if there is anything else I can do for you. Will be happy to help!
Warmest regards,
Affiliate manager
Dear Sir,
I have checked the information in our system and it turns out that your account is already placed under the IB 52376.
Let me know if there is anything else I can do for you. Will be happy to help!
Warmest regards,
Affiliate manager